EDT at 16:00 on January 10, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 37.31 points to close at 11,637.45 points, down 0.32%; the Nasdaq composite index rose 4.63 points to close at 2,707.80 points, or 0.17%; the S & P 500 index fell 1.75 points to close at 1,269.75 points, down 0.14%.
Most of the Dow 30 industrial stocks fell, including DuPont (DD) fell 1.7%. DuPont announced that it has agreed to 5.8 billion acquisition of the Danish manufacturer of food additives, Danisco A / S, which does not include the assumption of debt costs.
Duke Energy (DUK) announced it would worth 13.7 billion U.S. dollars in the stock swap acquisition of Progress Energy (PGN), the combined company will be known as Duke Energy, will become the largest U.S. utility companies, market capitalization reached 37 billion U.S. dollars.
Late Monday, aluminum giant Alcoa (AA) will be the first fourth-quarter earnings release, marked the listed companies reported earnings times to come.
The debt crisis continues to worsen the situation in Europe, according to weekend media reports, Portugal will be forced to seek assistance under the pressure. Greece and Ireland in the last year, requests for financial assistance to international agencies. Fears that Portugal and Spain will be the next target assistance.
Portugal is scheduled to be auctioned on Wednesday, government bonds, Spain and Italy will also conduct similar activities on Thursday. EU finance ministers will meet next Monday.